Highest Paying Careers

Highest Paying Careers in Business and Management


1. Chief Executive Officer

Salary: $173,350
Job Description: The CEO’s job is to lead the company. CEOs are often directly involved in initiating and driving the company’s most significant initiatives. Because of this leadership role within the company, the CEO is normally the highest paid position in business.
Education: Many CEOs have advanced degrees in their field of specialty, and most have at least an MBA.

2. Marketing Manager

Salary: $122,720
Job Description: Marketing managers establish and coordinate marketing policies and programs for their company. They are responsible for market segmentation and developing product and pricing strategies that will allow their firms to maximize their profits while growing market share. They also scan the marketplace for new opportunities to develop new products and services.
Education: Bachelor’s in Marketing. Many earn an advanced degree in the form of an MBA in Marketing to supplement their undergraduate education and work experience.

3. Sales Manager

Salary: $114,110
Job Description: Sales managers are responsible for managing sales teams who sell products and services to customers. They also establish sales territories and policies for quotas and goals. They are also responsible for the development of effective training programs for the sales representatives.
Education: Minimum requirement is often a Bachelor’s Degree in Business, often with added emphasis on marketing. Some companies prefer an MBA or other advanced degree. Education, sales performance, and track record as a leader and driver of sales are important factors.
Consider These Schools for a Business Degree
1. American InterContinental University
2. Ashford University
3. Capella University
4. King College
5. Virginia College
6. Walden University

4. Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

Salary: $114,040
Job Description: Industrial-Organizational Psychologist apply psychology to the areas of human resources, administration, management, and other applicable areas within corporations.
Education: A Ph.D. in Psychology or a Doctorate of Psychology (Psy.D.) are required to work as a psychologist generally. However, Industrial-Organizational Psychologists may practice with a Master’s in Psychology. Many Industrial-Organizational Psychologists choose to pursue their Ph.D. or Psy.D. as these degrees open up more opportunities in the field.

Bachelor's Programs in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
--Colorado Technical University
--Ashford University

Master's Programs in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
--Capella University
--Grand Canyon University

Doctoral Programs in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
--Capella University
--Northcentral University

5. Financial Manager

Salary: $116,970
Job Description: Financial Managers oversee the financial workings of a company. Titles can include CFO, Controller, and VP of Finance. These individuals are responsible for most, if not all areas of finance including payroll, forecasting, investment, banking, insurance, securities and all other financial aspects of a given branch, office or department of their corporation.
Education: Bachelor’s in Finance, Accounting, Business or Economics is the minimum. Many employers prefer a Master’s in Finance or an MBA.
Top-ranked Finance Programs
Top-ranked Finance Programs 1. Ashford University - BS - Finance
2. Grand Canyon University - BS - Finance and Economics
3. Walden University - MBA - Finance

6. General and Operations Manager

Salary: $113,100
Job Description: Operations Managers direct the day-to-day operations of a company. This includes the formulation of policies, overseeing the use of company materials, and human resources. General and operations management jobs vary in scope and responsibility depending on their context. The general and operations manager is often a jack-of-all-trades and has held multiple positions within the company.
Education: While a Bachelor’s degree in Business is the minimum, an MBA is standard when seeking advancement in a major corporation.
Top-ranked Featured MBA Programs
1. Liberty University MBA
2. University of North Carolina Online MBA
3. Quinnipiac University Online MBA

7. Purchasing Manager

Salary: $100,600
Job Description: Purchasing Managers oversee and coordinate the buyers, purchasing officers and other staff involved in purchasing materials, products and/or services for a company.
Education: Many larger companies require at least a Bachelor’s degree with a business emphasis, while smaller companies often hire from within and require experience with the details of the company’s business. Top level positions in the field require an MBA.

8. Advertising and Promotions Manager

Salary: $98,720
Job Description: These individuals direct promotions and advertising. This includes developing the programs and ensuring the production of materials such as ads, posters, coupons or give-aways.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Advertising, or Design. Many larger corporations prefer an MBA.
Top-ranked Marketing Programs
1. Liberty University – BA – Marketing
2. Herzing University – BS – Business Management and Marketing
3. Keiser University – MBA – Marketing

9. Human Resources Manager

Salary: $96,940
Job Description: These individuals oversee and coordinate the employee recruiting and training as well as the development of compensation and benefits policies and packages for employees.
Education: A Bachelor’s in Human Resources is often required. An MBA in Human Resources may also be required.
Top ranked Human Resources Degrees
1. American Intercontinental University – BBA – Human Resource Management
2. Colorado Technical University – BSBA – Human Resource Management
3. Liberty University – MBA – Human Resources

10. Training and Development Manager

Salary: $95,800
Job Description: Training and Development Managers are responsible for developing and coordinating the training programs of a company or department. They are also directly responsible for training company staff.
Education: Bachelor‘s degree and work experience in a related field like Human Resources.
Top ranked Human Resources Degrees
1. American Intercontinental University – BBA – Human Resource Management
2. Colorado Technical University – BSBA – Human Resource Management
3. Liberty University – MBA – Human Resources

Best-kept secret in student loans

Best-kept secret in student loans

Student debt has ballooned in recent years. But a federal program can cut loan repayments to as low as zero without triggering default.

Are you scraping by, just barely able to make your student loan payments? Or maybe you're making the payments, but you're worried you'll stay in debt forever?
Don't overlook one of the best repayment options out there. Lauren Asher, an expert on student loans and the president of the Institute for College Access & Success, an independent nonprofit organization that works to make higher education more affordable for people of all backgrounds, calls it the "best kept secret" in the student loan world.
Maybe it's not a total secret, but many eligible borrowers aren't taking advantage of the Income-Based Repayment Plan, so it deserves all the attention it can get.
I recently interviewed Asher on my radio show, "Talk Credit Radio." Here is an edited excerpt from that interview:

Detweiler: Can we start off by discussing the trends in student loan debt?
Asher: Student loan debt is touching more and more people's lives every year. A generation ago, less than half of people who graduated from four-year colleges had student loans. Now it's at least two-thirds. And for the class of 2010, which is the most recent data we have, the average debt for those borrowers was more than $25,000.
Detweiler: What about default and repayment rates? Are people having trouble paying back their student loans?
Asher: Default rates have gone up recently, although they've come down from a high a couple of decades ago. They do sometimes reflect changes in the economy. Certainly it's harder to pay off your student loans when it's harder to find good-paying jobs. But what's important to know is not just how much you owe, but what kinds of loans you have that can really affect your options for repayment.

If you have federal student loans, there are actually a lot of good ways to keep those payments under control even in tough times. But you need to know what those options are and how they work before you get into real trouble. One of those options is the Income-Based Repayment program.
Detweiler: Tell us about the IBR program and the benefits.
Asher: Income-Based Repayment is the best kept secret in this whole student loan debate. It has been around since July 2009. It's available to students with federal loans. So that includes Stafford Loans and Grad Plus as well as Federal Direct Consolidation Loans.
If you have direct loans or what used to be called "guaranteed" or "federal family education program" loans, whether you have had them for many years or just finished school, you can qualify for IBR if you're earning relatively little compared with what you owe.
A good rule of thumb is, if you owe as much as you earn in a year, you probably qualify. But, there's a calculator on our site -- IBRinfo -- and also a link to the (education) department site and their calculator to help them figure it out. So the nice thing is that, once you qualify, your payment each year is adjusted based on your earnings and family size.
If you earn less than 150% of the poverty line for your family size, your required payment is zero. You remain in good standing, you're not delinquent, you're not in default. And those payments -- even if they're as low as zero -- count toward either 25 years of forgiveness, meaning after you've made affordable payments for 25 years in IBR, if you still owe anything it's forgiven. Or if you work for a public or nonprofit employer and you had a direct loan, you could get forgiveness in as soon as 10 years in IBR.

IBR provides two things. One, it provides you the assurance that your payment will be fair and manageable based on what you actually earn. The other thing it does is give you a light at the end of the tunnel. Repayments will not go on forever.
Even if you hit a patch where you can't even cover your interest and your IBR payments are very low, eventually if you haven't been able to pay it all off, it will go away and you can move on with saving for retirement, paying for your kid's education and the other things you need to do.

Top 10 Insurance Companies

Top 10 Insurance Companies & His Market Worth in world

1. American International Group (AIG)
country: United States
Market Value: $172.24
American International Group, Inc. (AIG), a world leader in insurance and financial services, is the leading international insurance organization with operations in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional and individual customers through the most extensive worldwide property-casualty and life insurance networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of retirement services, financial services and asset management around the world. AIG’s common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as the stock exchanges in Paris and Tokyo.

2. AXA Group
Country: France
Market Value: $66.12 billion
In 1980, AXA did not exist. Over the next 20 years, the Group would grow to become a major international player.AXA pursues successfully its external growth strategy: consolidation of AXA existing activities, with the acquisition of Oyak’s 50% stake in AXA Oyak, 2nd Turkish insurer, for 525 million dollars, and penetration of high growth potential markets, with the acquisition of 100% of the 3rd Mexican insurer, ING Seguros (for an amount of 1.5 billion dollars). Today AXA is present in geographically diverse markets, with operations concentrated in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific.

3. Allianz Worldwide
Country: Germany
Market Value: $65.55
The Allianz Group is one of the leading integrated financial services providers worldwide. With nearly 155,000 employees worldwide, the Allianz Group serves approximately 75 million customers in about 70 countries. On the insurance side, Allianz is the market leader in the German market and has a strong international presence.

4. Manulife Financial
Manulife-Financial logo
Country: Canada
Market Value: $50.52 billion

Manulife Financial is a leading Canadian-based financial services group serving millions of customers in 22 countries and territories world-wide. We provide financial protection and wealth management products and services, to individual and group customers in Canada, the United States and Asia. These products and services include individual life insurance, group life and health insurance, long-term care services, pension products, annuities, mutual funds and banking products. We offer reinsurance services, specializing in life retrocession and property and casualty reinsurance and provide investment management services with respect to the Company’s general fund and segregated fund assets and to mutual funds and institutional customers.

5. Generali Group
Generali-Group logo
Country: Italy
Market Value: $45.45 billion

The Generali Group is one of the most significant participants in the global insurance and financial products market. The Group is leader in Italy and Assicurazioni Generali, founded in 1831 in Trieste, is the Group’s Parent and principal operating Company. In recent years, the Group has made a significant return to central-eastern European markets and has set up offices in the principal markets of the Far East, among which China and India.

6. Prudential Financial
Prudential-Financial logo
Country: United States
Market Value: $39.70
Prudential Financial, Inc (NYSE:PRU), a financial services leader with approximately $580 billion of Assets Under Management as of June 30, 2009, has operations in the United States, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Leveraging its heritage of life insurance and asset management expertise, Prudential is focused on helping approximately 50 million individual and institutional customers grow and protect their wealth.

7. MetLife
MetLife logo
Country: United States
Market Value: $37.94 billion

MetLife, Inc. is a leading provider of insurance and other financial services to millions of individual and institutional customers throughout the United States. Outside the U.S., MetLife companies have direct insurance operations in Asia Pacific, Latin America and Europe.

8. Aviva
Aviva logo
Country: United Kingdom
Market value: $33.10
Aviva is one of the leading providers of life and pension products in Europe and are actively growing our long-term savings businesses in Asia Pacific and the USA. Their main activities are long-term savings, fund management and general insurance

9. Munich Re Group
Munich-Re-Group logo
Country: Germany
Market Value: $30.99 billion

The Munich Re Group is one of the world’s leading risk carriers. It’s business covers the whole value chain in insurance and reinsurance.

AEGON logo
Counry: Netherlands
Market Value: $26.40 billion

AEGON is an international business, providing life insurance, pensions and other long-term savings and investment products to millions of customers around the world. The company has major operations in the United States, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom as well as other businesses in Asia, the Americas and elsewhere in Europe. AEGON is listed on the stock exchanges of Amsterdam, London, New York and Tokyo.

Top games of the world

Games of the year – the top 10 titles

1. Sleeping Dogs

IT could’ve been any of the top three, but Sleeping Dogs snuck it for us.
Written off as “GTA-lite” prior to release, it proved anything but. Setting a high standard in the open-world stakes for GTA 5.
Far Cry 3
At two ... Far Cry 3

2. Far Cry 3

GRAPHICALLY luxurious, crisp gameplay and another open-world that you’ll be dying to get out and explore.
Something a bit different from the FPS overkill.
Mash-up ... Dishonoured

3. Dishonored

IN a sequel-heavy year, seeing a brand new title that brings something fresh to the table is a godsend.
This mash-up of Bioshock, Deus Ex and Half-Life really encourages creativity on the part of the player.
The Unfinished Swan
Swanderful ... The Unfinished Swan

4. The Unfinished Swan

THE word “different” is usually an adjective with negative connotations – but this is truly a stand-out title.
Firstly, for making the player explore a blank canvas of a landscape by spraying paint to track their way and, secondly, for actually finding a use for the PlayStation Move.
Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Speed freaks ... Need For Speed: Most Wanted

5. Need For Speed: Most Wanted

THIS is easily the best racing game for a long time.
It gets social integration spot-on, without overkill, and retains the sense of fun essential to a good racer.
A surprisingly immersive game world.
Borderlands 2
Outlandish ... Borderlands 2

6. Borderlands 2

THIS sequel may not have shaken up the formula too much but any game that leaves you wanting more after 70 hours has to be special.
With seamless transition from single-player to co-op, its outlandish tone and the eternal promise of better loot – what’s not to love?
The Walking Dead
Harrowing ... The Walking Dead

7. The Walking Dead

QUITE simply, this episodic point-and-click title is a masterclass in video game storytelling.
It’s harrowing and brutal and, by the time the end credits roll, you’ll find yourself taking a long hard look at yourself as person – a claim very few titles can make.
Hitman: Absolution
Assassination ... Hitman: Absolution

8. Hitman: Absolution

SUBTLER and savvier than Call Of Duty et al, Hitman is slow-paced but big on action.
As graphic as they come – you’ve seen the controversy – the title’s gamer freedom comes in choosing the way your foe dies. Lovely.
On the ball ... FIFA 13

9. FIFA 13

FEW deliver as polished a title as the FIFA series.
12 reinvented defending, 13 refines your attacking.
As tactically consuming and tight as real-world football, FIFA 13 demands your full attention – and a place on this list.
Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2
Shooter ... Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2

10. Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2

TRUE, it’s not very different from last year or the year before that, but what Call Of Duty does, it does sublimely.
For its army of fans, it once again delivers more than enough to satisfy their demands – and that alone makes it hard to ignore.
Medal of Honour: Warfighter
Booby prize ... Medal of Honour: Warfighter



In this we are going to discuss about the Top  software companies in the world. We hope that by this post audiences will know about the leader of the whole software market. The list also gives to some true information about the companies. We hope that this Top 10 List will be very informative for all.

1. Microsoft Corporation: In the Top 10 List of software companies in the world we keep Microsoft Corporation in the very fast place. Microsoft is the most powerfulbrand name in software industry. Established in 1975 by Bill Gates, Microsoft has been the market leader in Computer Operating System Market, Enterprise Solutions and Internet Media.

2. IBM: In the Top 10 List of software companies we keep the name of IBM in the 2nd place. IBM Established in 1924, Internet Business Machine known with its brand name IBM is one of the most innovative software technology and consulting company with numerous patents under its name.

3. Oracle: In the Top 10 List of software companies in the world we keep Oracle in the 3rd place.  Oracle is a fast growing software company that offers Enterprise Solutions and Database Management Software. The headquarters of Oracle is in California United States of America.

4. SAP: In the Top 10 List software companies in 2011 we put the name of SAP in the 4th place. it is a German software brands in the world market. The headquarters of this company is in Waldorf Germany.

5. Symantec Corporation: This time we put Symantec Corporation in the 5th place in our Top 10 List. The leading computer security solutions provider Symantec Corporation makes a place within the list of Top 10 Software Companies 2012.

6. Adobe: In the Top 10 List of software companies we put the brand Adobe in the 6th place. A well known brand among ordinary computer users Adobe is famous for its handy user friendly software products. It is the most popular photo editing software all over the world.

7. Ericsson: In our Top 10 List of software companies in 2011 we put the name of Ericsson in the 7th place. The Swedish company Ericsson is one of the largest Telecommunication and Data Transfer Service Provider in the world. It is also the world famous brand of mobile phone.

8. Salesforce.Com: In the Top 10 List of software companies in the world in 2011 we put the name of Salesforce.Com in the 8th place. Salesforce.Com is a prominent name in cloud based enterprise service providers that offers enterprise software solutions. Although the company is still in the growth phase but yet makes a place in the list of Top 10 Software Companies Ranking 2012.

9. Nintendo: In the Top 10 List of software companies in 2011 we keep Nintendo in the 9th place. Famous video games development company “Nintendo” stands out in the list of top 10 best software companies 2012. It is a Japanese company.

10. Activision Blizzard: In the Top 10 List of software companies we keep Activision Blizzard in the 10th place. Activision Blizzard is a famous American video games development company.

Most Popular Free Softwares


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VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, …) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.

BitTorrent 6 is a client that transfers large videos, audios or softwares in a faster and cheaper way. A ‘client’ in this case is a computer program that follows the rules of a protocol. The BitTorrent 6 client will give you access to the world of content on the protocol in a lightweight, fast and reliable package.

Open Office
OpenOffice is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely free of charge for any purpose.


Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Tens of thousands of people and organizations are using Drupal to power scores of different web sites from personal weblogs to large community-driven websites.

GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.


7-Zip is an extremely popular file archiver for Windows, which, although free, outperforms Winzip. It can unpack the vast majority of archive formats and can create TAR and GZ archives, commonly used on Unix and Linux systems, as well as its own 7z format, which easily outshrinks ZIP files.
Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need – a web browser, presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and much more.

Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix. Think of Wine as a compatibility layer for running Windows programs. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely free alternative implementation of the Windows API consisting of 100% non-Microsoft code, however Wine can optionally use native Windows DLLs if they are available.

Magento, used by 30,000 merchants, including Samsung, Nespresso and The North Face, is the world’s fastest growing e-commerce platform. Magento Community Edition is offered for free under the Open Software License. The Enterprise Edition, for which you have to pay, offers features like multi-store capability, store credits and gift cards, out-of-the-box.

Mozilla Thunderbird

With its speedy searches, built-in RSS feeds, strong security and superb add-ons, Thunderbird has to be the best, free email application available. If you’re prepared to spend some time tailoring your email environment with add-ons, you’ll absolutely love it, but it’s probably not ideal for complete novices.


FileZilla is a cross-platform graphical FTP, FTPS and SFTP client a lot of features, supporting Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and more. FileZilla Server is a reliable FTP server for Windows. It has a powerful Site Manager and transfer queue and drag & drop support.


Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment. This is based on a powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.


TightVNC is a free remote control software package. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer.This is a cross-platform, available for Windows and Unix, compatible with other VNC software.

Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems. It includes tools for modeling – fast subdivision surface and polygon tools, multi-resolution mesh sculpting, metaballs, NURBS, vector fonts, and curves; uv mapping; shaders and texturing – both paint based and node based; ik and fk animation tools with rigging, constraints, skinning, morph targets, drivers, deformers, and modifiers; simulation tools including hard bodies, soft body, cloth, and fluids; and particle systems including hair. Blender has integrated rendering with both its native renderer and the raytracer Yafray as well supporting many external renderers; and python based scripting.

Audacity is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to record live audio, convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs, edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files, cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together etc.